Synopsis: The future of our conquest of Space comes with mastering the Four Elements of our planet: air, fire, water and earth. In order to understand our Universe better, and prepare for future missions in Space, engineers and scientists from all over the world are currently studying and testing new technologies, trying to master one of these elements. Series of 4 x 52' documentaries directed by Elodie Fertil, produced by Mediawan, Thematics Prod and Une idée en tête Productions for Science&Vie TV. April 2022.
Ketchup or Mayo?
Synopsis: The history and science behind Ketchup and Mayonnaise, from their creation to their industrial production today, and even their gourmet version... A 52 minutes documentary directed by Elsa Haharfi, produced by Eclectic, for France 5, "Le Doc du Dimanche". February 2022.
L’Oréal Inclusion and diversity Awards 2022 New-york
Date: 2022
Production: L'Oreal + Humans In Motion. Filming, editing: Edward Bally
In San Francisco, Sea, Bed and Sun
Synopsis: How A San Francisco Love Story Inspired the Invention of the Murphy Bed... 7 minutes documentary for Arte, Invitation Au Voyage. November 2022.
Seattle and the musical phone
Synopsis: In the Pacific Northwest 70-plus years ago, a telephone-based jukebox connected callers to their favorite tunes... 7 minutes documentary for Arte, Invitation Au Voyage. November 2022.
Arte Journal – Horseshoe crabs in danger?
Synopsis: Demand for horseshoe crab blood for vaccine and drug testing, as well as fishermen using horseshoe crab as bait, have contributed to population declines. Conversationists fear this 450-million-year-old living fossil, will be pushed to the brink of extinction if we don't protect it. They are advocating for the approval and use of a synthetic version, that has already been approved in Europe and China. Arte Journal. October 2022.
Arte Journal – Long Island beaches on alert
Synopsis: Shark attacks are historically rare on Long Island. But this summer 2022, Long Island residents and visitors have been warned to be careful when visiting the beach, after six people have been injured in shark attacks over the course of a month -not fatally. Safety efforts include heightened patrols and surveillance of shark activity, including drone and helicopter monitoring along the Long Island state park beaches. Although shark attacks are always scary, the surge in shark sightings and activity in Long Island is actually good news, as it is a result of conservation efforts in the area, including legislation prohibiting the overfishing of bunker fish. Scientists also think waters getting warmer with climate change could attract more shark species in the future on the East Coast. Filming and editing: Edward Bally. 2022
The Pig War
Synopsis: The “Pig War” of 1859 was a confrontation between the United States and Great Britain over the location of the international border in the San Juan Islands. The conflict began when an American settler killed a pig owned by an employee of the Hudson’s Bay Company; it quickly grew to involve British warships and hundreds of troops on both sides... 7 min documentary for Arte, "Invitation Au Voyage". September 2022.
The Doctor Who Starved Her Patients to Death
Synopsis: In 1911, two wealthy British heiresses came to a sanitarium near Seattle to undergo the revolutionary fasting treatment of Linda Hazzard... 7 min documentary for Arte, "Invitation Au Voyage". September 2022.
James Gray and New York: A Land for the Exiled
Synopsis: James Gray is a discrete genius, an icon of American independant cinema who was revealed in the 1990’s with the movie “Little Odessa” and kept confirming his unmatched talent with movies like “We own the night”, “Two Lovers”, “The Immigrant”, “Armageddon Time”… His cinema explores the complexity of moral dilemmas his blood related characters have to face in a corrupted and violent society. 13 min documentary for Arte, "Invitation Au Voyage". August 2022.